Cardiovascular disease has been called an epidemic of sorts in North America and Europe. Not surprising when you consider a typical North American lifestyle of not enough physical activity, diet high in saturated fats, and fast paced living driving up stress levels.
Even though the National Center for Health Statistics reported Americans average total cholesterol has dropped substantially from 1978 - 1990, the American Heart Association has reported 98.1 million adult Americans still have borderline high blood cholesterol levels and this puts them at greater risk of developing Cardiovascular disease.
Elevated cholesterol levels are one of the major risk factors identified by the American Heart Association in the development of Cardiovascular disease which is the number one killer in North America and Europe. We need to reduce cholesterol levels.
Adenosine which is found in Ganoderma lucidium helped to reduce cholesterol
This number one rated herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine has many potent healing properties. One being that it may help reduce cholesterol and or may help the liver in suppressing its production.
Researchers from the Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine found that Adenosine which is found in Ganoderma lucidium helped to reduce cholesterol in their studies.
Researchers at the Nestle Research Center in Switzerland called Ganoderma lucidium "a renowed medicinal species". In their study on hamsters and minipigs, oxgenated lanosterol derived from Ganoderma lucidium "inhibited cholesterol synthesis".
With hamsters it was able to reduce cholesterol (total) by 9.8% and HDL levels by 11.2%.
In minipigs the oxygenated lanosterol derived from the mushroom Ganoderma lucidium was able to reduce cholesterol (total) by 20%, LDL by 27%, and HDL by 18%.
The researchers conclusion was that Ganoderma "has the potential to reduce LDL cholesterol in vivo (inside the body) through various mechanisms... innovative new cholesterol lowering foods and medicines containing Gl (Ganoderma lucidium) are envisioned."
Peter Arnold
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